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Crawford Software and insightsoftware

At Crawford Software, we understand that every business operates differently and has its own unique requirements and needs. That’s why our ERP solutions are provide customization of our ISV partners.

Steel pipes being put together.

about insightsoftware

insightsoftware is a leading provider of financial reporting and enterprise
performance management software. We enable the Office of the CFO to
connect to and make sense of their data in real time so they can proactively
drive greater financial intelligence across their organization.

Challenges that insightsoftware tackles

Save time

With an easy install for short time to value, insightsoftware solutions automate time-consuming processes while adhering to your ERP security. Experience high levels of user adoption with complete integration with Excel—finance’s tool of choice.

Reduce risk

Bridge the gap between your data and insightful reports, save time, drill down on information, and streamline processes in a secure environment with Spreadsheet Server.

Exhanced reporting

By connecting to your ERP data from inside Microsoft Excel, your entire team can quickly create custom reports or get a jump start with pre-configured queries from your peers. Drill down to see the data behind the numbers and get instant answers to critical business questions.

Request Demo

Discover how we tailor complete solutions to your needs, specializing in new implementations, upgrades, consultations, and ongoing support.